Category: SCOM 2019

3 commentsAuthoringManagement PacksPowershellSCOM 2012SCOM 2016SCOM 2019debugscom agent tracescom debugscom tracingtrace discoverytrace monitortrace workflow

SCOM – Trace Workflow Agent Task

Launch a task, see what the agent is doing. It’s that easy. This post is going to be short and sweet, right to the point with brief instructions on how to get agent trace data in front of your eyeballs as fast as possible. There are basically two types of SCOM traces:1) General – Capture ….  Read More

9 commentsSCOM 2019gMSASCOM 2019UR1

Implementing gMSA in SCOM 2019 UR1

gMSA Configuration, Operations Manager 2019 UR1 12/14/2020, Version 1.3 Final Prepared by:CJ RawsonSenior Customer Engineer Contributors:Scott MathemeierSenior Customer Engineer Editing and other minor contributions:Tyson PaulSenior Customer Engineer Revision and Signoff SheetChange Record DateAuthorVersionChange Reference06/06/2020CJ Rawson1Initial final for review/discussion06/10/2020CJ Rawson1.1Added Security Matrix to Appendix06/16/2020Scott Mathemeier1.2Updated verbiage, nomenclature, formatting12/14/2020Scott Mathemeier1.3Update service account verbiage and SQL Ops Mgr ….  Read More

1 commentsPowershellSCOM 2012SCOM 2016SCOM 2019Certificatescross platformimportlinuxscxcertconfig.exeunixxplat

Easily Configure SCOM Cross-Platform Management Server Certificates

One of the more annoying tasks when configuring monitoring for nix/xplat agents is exporting management server certificates, then importing those certificates on all other members of the designated cross-platform resource pool. When you deploy a nix agent, the agent will automatically trust only the management server which performed the certificate signing procedure during the agent ….  Read More

1 commentsPowershellSCOM 2012SCOM 2016SCOM 2019Configuration ReportEffective ConfigurationpowershellSCOM Configurationscomhelper

SCOM Effective Monitoring Configuration Report

Download: This function is included in the SCOMHelper PowerShell Module. Export-SCOMEffectiveMonitoringConfigurationReport Report contains these columns: AlertPriorityAlertSeverityClassIdClassNameDescriptionEnabledEntityIdEntityNameGeneratesAlertIndexOverriddenOverridesParametersPathWorkflowDisplayNameWorkflowIdWorkflowMPNameWorkflowNameWorkflowType*Note: “Overrides” column does not include customizations settings for the standard overrideable parameters: AlertPriority, AlertSeverity, Enabled. However, the values shown in these columns are the actual effective values and are accurate. Example 1: Single Windows Computer – CSV Will create ….  Read More

0 commentsManagement PacksPowershellSCOM 2012SCOM 2016SCOM 2019discoveryGUIDnew-scomclassgraphpowershell

SCOM On Demand Discovery Example

A little known feature within SCOM is the ability to trigger a discovery manually, sometimes referred to as “on demand”. “This is not to be confused with OnDemandDetection which is an optional component of most monitor types and is also what makes the “Recalculate” feature work in the Health Explorer window.” – Some SCOM Nerd ….  Read More