Category: Uncategorized

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SCOM Sudoers Reference

  NOTE: These example sudoers configurations are compatible with SCOM 2012 R2. There have been some minor changes to the nix deployment kit names in SCOM 2016 and these changes have not been added below… YET. If you would like to submit your additions for SCOM 2016, please do so in the comments and the ….  Read More

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SCOM: Export Rules, Monitors, Overrides, Settings, Effective Monitoring Configuration with PowerShell

2018.03.23: (This is a reboot of a previous post. I revised the title, script, and photos a bit.) I was working on a support case recently when it was brought to my attention that this cmdlet, Export-SCOMEffectiveMonitoringConfiguration,  does not output ALL contained instance configurations even when the “-RecurseContainedObjects” parameter is used. Yes, really!  It outputs configuration data for only one ….  Read More

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Certificate Request from Standalone CA Certificate Authority for Operations Manager, SCOM 2012/R2

Root Certificate:Every mgmt server, every gateway, every untrusted (or non-domain) agent/machine will require installation of the ROOT CA certificate. This certificate will need to be imported into the Local Computer -> Trusted Root Certification Authorities store by using the MMC with the Certificates snap-in. Instructions below. (if the mgmt server IS the root CA, the ….  Read More

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SCOM 2012: How Does an Agent Task Get Executed?

I was recently working on creating some agent Powershell tasks for a management pack project and it occurred to me: I don’t fully understand how agent tasks get executed. What I mean is, I know how they work for the most part thanks to the school of hard knocks and also this fantastic explanation: ….  Read More

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SCOM Powershell Export-SCOMEffectiveMonitoringConfiguration cmdlet Doesn’t Output Complete Data

UPDATE: 2021.06.10See SCOMHelper PowerShell module for the Effective Monitoring report functions. Operations Manager 2012, R2 – UR2 I was working on a support case recently when it was brought to my attention that this cmdlet does not output ALL contained instance configurations even when the“-RecurseContainedObjects“parameter is used. Yes, really!  It outputs configuration data for only one ….  Read More