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Certificate Request from Standalone CA Certificate Authority for Operations Manager, SCOM 2012/R2

Root Certificate:Every mgmt server, every gateway, every untrusted (or non-domain) agent/machine will require installation of the ROOT CA certificate. This certificate will need to be imported into the Local Computer -> Trusted Root Certification Authorities store by using the MMC with the Certificates snap-in. Instructions below. (if the mgmt server IS the root CA, the ….  Read More

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Install Standalone CA (Certificate Authority) on Windows Server 2012 R2 for use with Operations Manager

After looking around a bit I couldn’t find a decent tutorial that addressed this specific scenario (not one that demonstrated Powershell anyway). I ended up writing this for a client who didn’t have their PKI infrastructure sorted out yet. I prefer to use Powershell as it is much faster and efficient for these steps. (Just ….  Read More

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SCOM 2012: How Does an Agent Task Get Executed?

I was recently working on creating some agent Powershell tasks for a management pack project and it occurred to me: I don’t fully understand how agent tasks get executed. What I mean is, I know how they work for the most part thanks to the school of hard knocks and also this fantastic explanation: http://thoughtsonopsmgr.blogspot.com/2010/08/scom-tasks-part-i-introduction.html ….  Read More

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SCOM Powershell Export-SCOMEffectiveMonitoringConfiguration cmdlet Doesn’t Output Complete Data

UPDATE: 2021.06.10See SCOMHelper PowerShell module for the Effective Monitoring report functions.https://monitoringguys.com/2019/11/12/scomhelper/ Operations Manager 2012, R2 – UR2 I was working on a support case recently when it was brought to my attention that this cmdlet does not output ALL contained instance configurations even when the“-RecurseContainedObjects“parameter is used. Yes, really!  It outputs configuration data for only one ….  Read More

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Operations Manager 2012 R2 UR2 Powershell Grid Widget Effective Monitoring Configuration Dashboard

Have you ever wanted to simply click a server object and see all of the effective rule and monitor configuration settings in one view?  Now you can. NOTES: This dashboard isn’t perfect. I’ve seen some weird behavior on occasion. Sometimes the top right widget will update with content from other widgets that exist in other ….  Read More